
A Guide to Our Animals

I’m sure we can all agree, that one of the biggest assets to The Wellbeing Farm is our animals! It’s always priceless to see the looks on peoples faces when our animal handlers bring them out to say hello to all your guests, all dressed up and ready to take selfies! Even for the staff in the office, it’s always entertaining to look out of the window and see the llamas and donkeys playing in the field!

So, with that in mind, here’s a little profile on all our animals:

We don’t of course want to highlight one animal more than the other, but the llamas seem to be the animals that everyone remembers the most! And who can blame them, as llama-mania seems to have taken over the high street these past few years! Yasser, Ezra, Vincent and Laurie have been with us since the very beginning, making thousands of guests smile over the years. Laurie in particularly is a special case, as he likes to hop over the other side of the fence, and have a walk around and a nibble of the grass. And before you ask, no they do not spit (or at least, very rarely).

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As well as our llamas, our two donkeys, Crackerjack and Gypsy Rose have been with us for a long time. How can you deny that they look frankly adorable in their flat caps! The donkeys are always a favourite of Sue Holden, one of our volunteers, who comes up every week to give them a good walk around the farm.

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Rounding out our stabled animals are our two alpacas: Augustus and Winston, who have been with us for 2 years – they may be a little bit more shy around your friends and family than our other animals, but to be fair to them, before we got hold of them, they were only used to 2 people – and now they meet thousands every year!! They’re particularly funny to watch in the field, whether it be Augustus with his smaller legs or Winston with a fringe so long we worry he’s going to bump into someone!!!

choose wellbeing farm
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Yes, they’re all adorable; but there’s 1 more we need to mention – and that’s Maxy, our puppy! He’s a 2-year-old Cairn Terrier, who’s always really excited to meet new people. But watch out – he does like to jump!

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25 Apr 2019