
Five Reasons to Have an Outdoor Wedding

Outdoor ceremonies seem to be more and more popular; and if you think about it, it’s really no surprise. We all see it on our favorite TV dramas – a beautiful day, lots of grass or woodland trees, or perhaps on a sandy beach, a little bit of a breeze, without a cloud in the sky.

Well, admittedly, we may not be able to guarantee that Mother Nature will behave, but we can do our best to ensure that you have the best Fun, Unique and Magical outdoor ceremony as possible, in our licensed pavilion – that’s right, licensed, you will not have to do the official bit somewhere else!

Here are some of the best reasons why people are going for an outdoor ceremony:


There’s more freedom on how it’s conducted – true, this could be said of any ceremony here, but we find that our outdoor couples have gone the extra mile to make it more personal for them. They also have found it incredibly relaxing for them and their guests – which is what The Wellbeing Farm is all about!

You’re Outdoors Lovers

It’s a natural choice if both of you LOVE the outdoors.

Stunning Photography

There’s plenty of opportunities for your photographers and videographers to get some gorgeous shots of the Lancashire countryside with natural light – on a good day you can see as far out as Fiddler’s Ferry! They can also move around a lot easier without spoiling the view of your ceremony for your guests.


It’s the perfect opportunity to take advantage of our unconventional seating, such as hay bales, benches and blankets.

Festival Fun

The Festival theme is one of the most popular growing wedding trends, and one that suits The Wellbeing Farm perfectly! An outdoor ceremony with lots of colourful props could be the perfect start to your big day!

We know there are some concerns about an outdoor ceremony – namely the weather, and whether it would be accessible for some of their guests. Well, we do have wheelchair-friendly ramps that will allow everyone onto our field.

And as for the weather… There is always a third eye on the weather forecast up to a week before your wedding. We may unfortunately not be able to hold an outdoor ceremony if it’s raining cats and dogs, but we will make provisions to relocate to the Wedding Barn and make it as close as possible to what you would have wanted outdoors.

25 Apr 2019