Let’s be honest – these times we live in are nuts, and it can be a lot to take in.
It’s ok to feel scared and overwhelmed by the whole situation; but don’t panic. You’ve got this, and we can help.

Here are some tips to keep your wedding planning under wraps whilst you’re in social isolation:
- Like we said, don’t panic. Keep calm and follow the government guidelines about social distancing
- Stay healthy, exercise regularly, and also get some fresh air once a day (either a walk, run or cycle)
- Support your local suppliers – they are going to need you more than ever. Check they’re all ok and what the situation us, let them know you will support them when you can
- If you are in a WhatsApp group or similar with other Brides, make sure you support and encourage each other.
- Block out all the fake and the bull – keeping one eye on social media and another on the constant 24 hour news will do your head in. Limit it to the important bits, and to reliable sources.
- If you have ANY concerns, get in touch with us. Just because we’re in isolation ourselves does not mean we’re going to abandon you; far from it. We’re still taking calls and answering to emails and social media messages. We’ve got your back and we can help you.
- Keep in regular contact with friends and family too
- Use the time. This is the time to plan your budget and what you think you are going to need. Get list writing about which suppliers you need to contact once this madness has all gone away
- At the same time, MAKE some time AWAY from the wedding planning. It may be harder in isolation but SO important!
- Remember that this WILL NOT last forever. This WILL go away. It may take some time but it WILL.
Once again, if you are struggling, we are here to help you. Call 01204 852113 or email [email protected]