Ok, this may sound a bit odd, as a wedding is possibly THE most romantic occasion you can think of, and you may think that that is enough in itself – which is 100% fine! However, you may want some extra touches that go the extra mile – and that is where this comes in.
Hearts everywhere – well, almost… You don’t want to go too overboard with these symbols of love and romance, but some extra here and there instantly add a romantic touch. How’s about incorporating them into your bridesmaids’ dresses? Making one giant heart-shaped cake instead of the classic tiered? Or simple heart-shaped sparklers, perfect for a Bonfire Night Wedding.

To make your wedding your own, why not personalise a pair of champagne flutes – perfect to toast your new life together. Plus, you can bring them out every anniversary for a cheeky prosecco or two!

For your ceremony, pop a small packet of tissues with each service programme. And/or for immediate family members, search for personalised handkerchiefs that you can write a little message on for your loved ones.
Speaking of your ceremony, how’s about seating it in a circle, so you are literally and figuratively surrounded by your friends and family whilst you make your vows.
Candles – at The Wellbeing Farm, hay and live flames are not a good mix, but we’ve found that you can make a ceremony just as romantic with LED candles and fairy lights. We’ve got loads of lights and candle holders in our prop shed. Plus the ceiling on our Wedding Barn is strewn with thousands of fairy lights, plus we have our LED light-up trees and weeping willow tree – perfect for a romantic atmosphere!

Table names or numbers? Try and make it special to you, whether that be linking it to a date or memory or similar that is precious to the two of you.
Thinking of a guest book with a difference? How’s about asking people to write date suggestions for you and your partner after the big day?
Ask your parents if you can borrow a picture of their wedding and ask your partner to do the same. Then liaise with your photographer on the day to take a picture of the two of you holding your parents photographs.
And finally, if you prefer something fun and different but still romantic at the same time, during the night do, how about having all the married couples having a dance off… Just think about it for a second!