
Wedding Trends 2021 #5 – Turn to the Great Outdoors!

Due to She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named, there has been a HUGE spike in interest for Outdoor Weddings, especially for the ceremony.

And even taking the safety matter out of the equation (we’re not going to go into that), the main reason why we love outdoor weddings is that they’re relaxed and truly allow the couple’s creativity to shine. I mean, there’s a lot you can do to transform a field, woodland, beach or another setting into a magical shrine.

What makes this even more exciting is that in 2021, a new law will come into place which states that a couple can married almost anywhere without a premises licence.  What fantastic news!

Make your wedding your own by choosing to get married in a setting that is truly you. Such as in a field or a woodland with its own private lake!

We’ve already done a whole piece on woodland weddings, to get more ideas for that, click here: Into The Woods … and Happy Ever After! | The Wellbeing Farm Wedding and Events Venue 

For getting married on our Farm, the classic choice though is our licenced Outdoor Wedding Pavilion on our front field, giving you views across Lancashire and Greater Manchester – no more a perfect or picturesque view to say your “I Dos”. We can bring out the hay bales (as long as the field is dry enough) to really bring that farm feeling outdoors!

If you are planning an Outdoor Wedding though, remember to ensure you have a Plan B – Mother Nature is the ONE thing you cannot control…. (*whisper* And guess what, as well as our Wedding Pavilion, we have our indoor Wedding Barn too that we can make just as gorgeous as it would have been outside).

Find out more about Outdoor Weddings here: What to look for in an outdoor wedding venue | The Wellbeing Farm Wedding and Events Venue

30 Dec 2020