It’s that time of year again – where we get to dive into the predicted wedding trends of the following year. In each piece, we will look at a different trend and hopefully get some more inspiration for your 2022 wedding.
And we’re starting with perhaps our favourite – the colour trends!
Here at The Wellbeing Farm, we like to take each colour and dig into a little bit about what they mean, and what they could possibly be telling us about the upcoming year. Which better colour to start with then, than the colour that according to WGSN and Colero, is predicted to be THE colour for Spring and Summer 2022 – ORCHID FLOWER.
This colour is a cross of both pink and purple, similar to fuchsia and magenta. so we’ve dealt into the meaning of both colours.
Pink is a colour that means warmth and romance. It is a popular colour at weddings for sure, but brighter pinks in particular also symbolise playfulness. I think we can all agree after the couple of years we’ve all had, we are all desperate to have a bit more fun. Particularly since the restrictions were lifted, we have taken full advantage of it. With that in mind, we’re seeing a 2022 in which we (hopefully) send good old Ms Rona to the rubbish bin and let loose!
Pink is also a colour that is highly associated with the LGBTQ+ community. What was a colour of shame is now a symbol of pride for the community, featuring in several of their flags. So we’re predicting a lot of fun and creativity from our LGBTQ+ couples too.
The purple in orchid flower also fits in, as it associated with wisdom, fantasy, creativity, imagination and royalty. With us wishing to dive into another world to escape into, it’s little wonder couples are now looking to transport their guests to other places without magic spells. And with Bridgerton being a big inspiration for weddings in 2022, orchid flower is a perfect bright contrast to the pastels that you would associate the (very) popular Netflix hit with.
But that’s not all. as orchid flower is associated with a flower, we wanted to look into pink and purple orchids. and (surprise surprise), wanted to see what they symbolise.
Well unlike the passionate red orchid, pink orchids are a symbol of love; whereas purple orchids show admiration, respect and dignity.
Therefore from that, while orchid flower is a colour that brings in the fun, cheekiness and playfulness to weddings sans C-word restrictions, it has a deeper symbolism than that. It’s a colour that means steadfast love and trust between couples. Some of our 2022 couples, like 2021 couples before them, have had their wedding postponed. Upon thinking about it, orchid flower seems perfect for 2022 as a symbol to those couples of survival. The fact they have gone through all that Ms Rona has thrown at them, and come out of the other side, is a testament to their relationships.
While orchid flower may be the main colour for 2022, it is not the only one. And in the next piece, we will delve more into what they may be.
Find out more about Wedding Trends on our blog