
Let’s Marry then Party in 2023

We’ve been listening to you…

We recognise times are tough…

We recognise some of you don’t want a full-blown wedding but would prefer just a party…

Three New 2023 Wedding Offers

So, we have got together, thought about our offers, and have on the table – three new offers for 2023 weddings…

Let’s Marry and Party Package

(1) For those of you who are marrying elsewhere and are just after a party ‘Let’s Marry and Party Package’ – for those who want just a huge, relaxed party and celebration.

Late Ceremony & Big Party

(2) For those of you who actually want to get married at the farm with a late ceremony and then go straight into a big party – then our ‘Twilight Package’ is the one you need.

Budget Friendly Wedding Package

(3) For those of you wanting to experience a full wedding at the farm but are after something to fit your budget for a 2023 wedding… Our special ‘Whirlwind Wedding Package’ will hopefully help.

2023 Wedding Packages Summary

Below is a summary of the packages we offer. Obviously, if you want exclusive access with no restrictions and something bespoke, we also have our main wedding brochure and packages…