
17 Sustainable Goals

In 2015, the General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This includes 17 Sustainability Development Goals (SDG’s) each focusing on areas of business.

These goals are built on the principle of “leaving no one behind” on the mission to creating sustainable development and here at the Wellbeing Farm, we strive to include them in our operations.


No Poverty

By 2030, the Sustainable Development Goals aims to eradicate extreme poverty for people everywhere, achieve substantial coverage to the poor and vulnerable and ensure all have equal rights to economic resources, property, inheritance, natural resources, technology, and financial services here and in third world countries.

What we are doing?


  • Our policies aim to benefit those in our local area as well as those internationally. For example, our twining toilets are twinned with toilet building facilities in a third world country.

  • All our workers are paid a living wage equally and fairly.
  • We hire people from our local area.
  • We hire students from local universities to establish projects to showcase their skills.

Zero Hunger

By 2030, the SDG’s aim to end hunger and ensure access by all people (in particular the poor and vulnerable) all year round, double the agricultural productivity of small-income farmers, and ensure sustainable food productions systems.

What we are doing?

  • The leftover food from events is given first to the homeless charities and if rejected, then is composted and used for farming to make new food.
  • This leftover food is given to compost to make new food to implement ecological circular economy methods of production.
  • We deliver surplus food to local homeless charities and organisations.
  • We ensure that all the produce we buy is locally sourced from farmers where possible.

Good Health and Wellbeing

By 2030, ensure the promotion of wellbeing and health.

What we are doing?

  • The Wellbeing Farm seeks to incorporate wellbeing at the heart of its activities.
  • We host events and weddings in a place that allows people to be close to nature and refresh their connectivity with what’s around them.
  • We offer a sustainable and varied menu that is suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and those with intolerances.
  • We formed Wellbeing Lancashire: A Community Interest Company in collaboration with wellbeing businesses in the North West to create a community for individuals and businesses to create a future in which we can all thrive.
  • Our KINDEST campaign. Each month, we select an area of focus (ranging from disability, general health, mental health, wellbeing, education, and awareness) and work to generate an understanding and appreciation of each topic, examples include hunger, the power of kindness, the importance of sleep and taking care of others as well as ourselves).

Quality Education

Aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for everyone.

What we are doing?


Gender Equality

Aims to end all forms of discrimination against all girls and women, equal opportunities, equal rights, and respect.

What we are doing?

  • Employees are hired based on their ability and expertise.
  • The Wellbeing Farm celebrates its promotion of equal opportunities in the workplace.
  • We also deliver weddings for same-sex couples. 

Clean Water and Sanitation

Aims to ensure the availability of water and sanitation to all, improve water quality, manage water waste well.

What we are doing?

  • We use non-bleach cleaning products or natural cleaning products where possible to avoid toxic chemicals being poured down the drain.
  • We have water butts around the site that we use to water the plants and nourish the greenhouse.
  • We have water tanks around the site to give clean plastic-free water to our guests.
  • We have our own water treatment facility on site.

Affordable Clean Energy

By 2030, ensure that energy is resourced sustainably and is shared and promoted.

What we are doing?

  • Affordable clean energy – our farm is powered by our own 20kd wind turbine.

Decent Worth and Economic Growth

Sustain and improve economic growth, promote development policies and productive activities and job creation. Reduce the number if unemployment in youth statistics and promote local culture and products.

What we are doing?

  • Job roles are created from the skills and experiences of workers we employ.
  • We hire students from local universities to build upon their skills and develop their ideas.
  • We work with local businesses such as hotels, caterers, and suppliers to increase economic growth for the area and promote.
  • The farm offers decent work and economic growth – we are a major employer in the area giving opportunities to local people. We also support the local economy through encouraging tourists and visitors to the area who in turn support local hotels, taxis, pubs, shops, Whiteheads, accommodation providers, entertainers, florists, photographers and all manner of wedding suppliers.

Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

Develop quality, reliable, and sustainable infrastructure to support personal wellbeing. Create and uphold sustainable infrastructure.

What we are doing?

  • Our green wedding and events packages offer a sustainable take on traditional services and out-of-office days.
  • We share blog posts and stories with our audience to inform and inspire them.
  • Our Events Barn is an example of green innovation. It is constructed through skilful upcycling and reinvention.
  • We have won awards for our sustainable practice, including the Green Tourism Award and the Natural Wedding Recommended Supplier Award.
  • We have also won awards during COVID, such as AA’s Covid-19 Confident award.

Reduced Inequalities

Ensure equal opportunity ad reduce inequality, adopt policies that celebrate equality, empower and promote the social, economic and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, race, sex, disability, religion, ethnicity, or economic status.

What we are doing?

  • We aim to reduce inequalities by creating equal work opportunities, educational school projects, and wellbeing events that cater to all.
  • We have adopted a policy to create green innovations and sustainable methods.
  • We pride ourselves on paying attention to the needs of all. We ensure that site and its amenities are accessible for everyone.
  • Team Wellbeing has a mission to improve the whole team’s wellbeing in 2021 and will be supporting local charities in our challenges.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Aiming to make communities inclusive and sustainable for all. Enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanisation.

What we are doing?

  • At the farm, we have sustainable buildings that are heated by the wind turbine.
  • We handle our waste management in an environmental capacity through composting, food banks, and circular economy ideas.
  • Our green wedding and events packages offer a green alternative to tradition and celebrates local producers, areas, and people.
  • We help to secure a future for all through our education programmes and school collaboration and students projects.
  • We support the sustainable practice of local businesses by employing their services.

Responsible Consumption and Production

Promote sustainable consumption and production, ensure sustainable management. Ensure that chemicals are managed safely. Reduce waste generation. Ensure companies used have sustainable practices.

What we are doing?

  • Promoting resource energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life. This should achieve development plans, reduce future economic, environmental and social costs, strengthen economic competitiveness and reduce poverty.
  • We have a dedicated team of sustainability champions that aim to work to secure the ecological ethos of this venue.
  • We have various circular economy methods of reducing waste from our Prop Shed for wedding decorations to our composting practices.
  • We also implement circular economy ideas to areas of food consumption and events.
  • We have conducted company audits to work out the areas that need green improvement and have worked to implement these.
  • We only use suppliers who have an ecological ethos and sustainable methods of running.

Climate Action

Aims to strengthen reliance and capacity to climate-related hazards, integrate climate change measures into policies, strategies, and planning. Improve education and awareness of human and institutional capacity on climate change. Promote mechanisms for raising capacity for effective climate-related adaptation.

What we are doing?

  • We use a wind turbine to ensure that the farm’s energy source is renewable.
  • We have created green events, weddings, and out-of-office days that champion sustainability and raise awareness of our aims.
  • We have partnered with local organisations such as the The Wellbeing Farm and Wellbeing Lancashire to ensure that sustainability can be present in our events.
  • Working with sustainability experts including Catherine Weetman and the Centre for Global Eco-Innovation to implement green ideas and practices.

Life Below Water

Work to reduce pollution of all kinds, protect marine life.

What we are doing?

  • We carefully manage what we put down the drain. We ensure that no bleach is used and eco-friendly and natural cleaning products are used when possible.  

Life on Land

Ensure the conservation, restoration, and sustainable use of land.

What we are doing?

  • We follow DEFRA’s environmental standards and policies.
  • We use no chemicals to feed the animals.
  • We have free-range animals and they have a haven of space.
  • We produce haylage from our own grass which goes to feed the animals.

Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Aim to promote peace, justice, and strength in our operations.

What we are doing?

  • We have built effective accountable institutions such as our schools projects and events packages which aim to inform and raise awareness of actions that can be taken to implement environmentalism in all areas of life.
  • We work to ensure that access to justice for all and prevent and be aware of assaults against people. Workplace decorum is taken very seriously.

Partnerships for the Goals

Revitalize global partnerships for sustainable development

What we are doing?

  • Circular Economy
  • Sustainable waste management
  • Trade; sustainable partnerships (fish, butchers, food, etc)
  • Twinning toilets
  • Change your back yard to change to world – blog posts